Abstract The paper presents three methods of the numerical modeling of a 60 m long integral bridge structure resting on an elastic half-space. For the analysis, three bridge models were built using Abaqus FEA software. Models A and C represent complex three-dimensional numerical models consisting of the bridge structure and the soil layer beneath it. The soil layer on which the bridge is resting was modeled as a homogeneous, isotropic, continuous, and elastic semi-infinite body elastic half-space. Model B represents a simple three-dimensional numerical model consisting of just the bridge structure. The stiffness of the soil layer beneath the structure in model B was modeled with spring constants derived for shallow footing foundation based on the theory for an elastic half-space. This model represents an engineering approach to the design of an integral bridge. In all models, the bridge deck is monolithically connected with abutment walls and intermediate piers. The bridge is made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete. All material constants used in the analysis are presented in the table. Self-weight, uniformly distributed load, and thermal longitudinal expansion of the bridge deck were applied to the bridge models. Due to the nonlinear boundary condition used in the supports of the bridge model A, such as contact and friction, the superposition principle cannot be used in the calculations of this model. For this reason, all the loads involved in all bridge models were combined into a single load case and the large displacement formulation was used in the static analysis. The self-weight of the soil layer beneath the structure was omitted in the analysis. The author is focused on the method of modeling an integral bridge structure resting on elastic soil. For the purpose of this paper, only two piers from each model were selected, from which the internal forces and displacements were compared. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that it is possible to design an integral bridge by building its simplified numerical model, once the conditions given in the conclusions are met.
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