The paper determines a limit energy under which hypersymmetry (HySy) is broken. According to gauge theories, interaction mediating spin-0 bosons must be massless. The theory of HySy predicted massive intermediate bosons. Hypersymmetry field rotation, described in this paper, justifies the mass of the HySy mediating boson. The mass of intermediate bosons must arise from dynamical spontaneous breaking of the group of HySy. HySy rotation is performed in the velocity-dependent D field. The derived rotation of the field is defined by the spontaneous symmetry breaking and precession of the velocity v around its third projection in the D field (that produced the mass of the field's bosons). The latter represents the real- and effective velocities of a boson-emitting particle in the direction towards a target particle. The mass of the discussed (fictitious) Goldstone bosons can be removed by the unitarity gauge condition through Higgs (BEH) mechanism. According to the simultaneous presence of a Standard Model (SM) interaction's symmetry group and the (beyond SM) HySy group, their bosons should be transformed together. Spontaneous breakdown of HySy may allow performing a transformation that does not influence the SM physical state of the investigated system. The paper describes a field transformation that eliminates the mass of the intermediate bosons, rotates the SM- and HySy bosons’ masses together while leaving the SM bosons intact. The result is an angle that characterises the HySy by a precession mechanism of the velocity that generates the field. In contrast to the known SM intermediate bosons, the HySy intermediate bosons have no fixed mass. The mass of the HySy intermediate bosons (that appear as quanta of a velocity-dependent gauge field D) depends on the relative velocity of the particles whose interaction they mediate. So, the derived precession angle is a function of that velocity.
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