Introduction: Person centred care is vital to ensure we improve access to the right care, treatment and support for all people. Meaningful engagement with people with lived experience is essential in the design of this and can also have direct benefits for people as a consequence.
 The ALLIANCE coordinates a number of networks for people with lived experience This includes a heart disease network that has been established to directly influence the Scottish Government’s Heart Disease Action Plan to ensure we can improve access to the right care, treatment, and support, and minimise preventable heart disease.
 This interactive workshop we will share insights we have gathered and the learning to date as well as the methods we have embedded to ensure structures are in place to allow people to share their experience, and turn these experiences into meaningful action through our direct link into policy.
 This session will be useful for all health and social care stakeholders as through this discussion we will explore the importance of ensuring lived experience is at the heart of planning and decision making
 Purpose: To share learning, insights and generate discussion on how we can amplify the perspectives and insights a of lived experience
 Participants will feel more knowledgeable having reflected on the the session’s learning through discussion and presentation and potential to translate this into actions.
 Participants will build connections and relationships across countries based on a shared goal.
 Participants are more likely to incorporate the voice of lived experience through their own practice.
 Session Plan: 
 Welcome and introduction the session highlighting the purpose asking participant’s if they can commit to the purpose of the session.
 Icebreaker – what/who inspires you most to do what you do?
 Presentation by the ALLIANCE sharing the learning from our lived experience networking, focusing on the Heart Disease Networking as a case study.
 Feedback, questions and reflections on what has been shared
 Facilitated small group discussions on individual learning
 oWhen people with lived experience are active and equal partners, what does that look like?
 oHow do we incorporate the principles of person centre care into our own practice
 Feedback from each group with key themes being captured live through flipchart
 At the end of the session we will capture the key themes to develop a summary report of the discussion that can be shared with all participants taking part in the conference and promoted via the ALLIANCE website, newsletter and bulletins.
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