
To date, much of the integrated care literature and discourse regarding the Third Sector (e.g. community based nongovernmental, charitable, or voluntary agencies) have positioned the sector as service providers and/or system partners. We would argue that while these organizations are undoubtedly equipped to effectively respond to community’s needs, the sector and these agencies are often been characterized as lesser partners and viewed as 'nice to have' rather than core players within integrated health systems.
 Optimizing their engagement requires a more nuanced understanding of the nature, feasibility, and high value models of collaboration between public and third sectors in order to to design and deliver integrated care systems. The purpose of this interactive workshop is to discuss the current role of third sector organizations in integrated care and debate the merit and/or limitations of being seen as a system partner or a service provider; is there a value proposition for both positions? The session will be structured to enable both large and small group structured conversations through deliberative dialogue and table debates. Attendees can expect to be engaged in a provocative dialogue that aims to push our understanding of how we can achieve truly integrated health care with local voluntary and community organizations. Our exchange will likely produce diverse opinions that will be synthesized according to common themes across and within the group and serve as the basis of potential future SIG activities and academic research.
 This 90 minute session is designed for any academic, policy maker or practitioner interested in intersectoral partnerships and integration across health, social and voluntary sectors.
 The time will be divided between an introductory overview, a teams of thought leaders will identify and raise key topic concepts followed by a series of table discussions, debates with time to share and synthesize.

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