MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression. Despite their relatively short length (about 21 nucleotides), they can regulate thousands of transcripts within a cell. Due to their low complementarity to targets, studying their activity and binding region preferences (3′UTR, 5′UTR, or CDS) is challenging. In this paper, we analyzed a set of human miRNAs to uncover their general patterns. We began with a sequence logo to verify conservation at specific positions. To discover long-range correlations, we employed chaos game representation (CGR) and genomatrix, methods that enable both graphical and analytical analysis of sequence sets and are well-established in bioinformatics. Our results showed that miRNAs exhibit strongly non-random and characteristic patterns. To incorporate physicochemical properties into the analysis, we applied the electron-ion interaction potential (EIIP) parameter. An important part of our study was to validate the division of miRNAs into two parts—seed and puzzle. The seed region is responsible for target binding, while the puzzle region likely interacts with the RISC complex. We estimated duplex binding energy within the 3′UTR, 5′UTR, and CDS regions using the miRanda tool. Based on the median energy distribution, we divided the miRNAs into two subsets, reflecting different patterns in chaos game representation. Interestingly, one subset displayed significant similarity to conserved and highly confidential miRNAs. Our results confirm the low complementarity of miRNA/mRNA interactions and support the functional division of miRNA structure. Additionally, we present findings related to the localization of transcript target sites, which form the basis for further analyses.
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