IntroductionFor medically complicated patients, symptoms of anxiety and low mood are at times normal and expected consequences of the physical and emotional impacts of living with a chronic illness or disability. In addition, medically complicated patients are at higher risk for infections and hospital stays, which can impact brain health and increase dementia risk (Alzheimer Association Conference, 2022). Untreated and undertreated anxiety and low mood can have major impacts on an individual's health, trust in their medical team and future medical outcomes (Alici and Levin, 2010), with treatment of medically complicated patients with psychiatric comorbidities typically necessitating a multidisciplinary approach including medication management and evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches. The use of cognitive behavioral therapy, including behavioral activation and value-based goal setting, can be valuable in the treatment of anxiety and low mood, while supporting what is modifiable for lifestyle and brain health in patients with chronic medical conditions. Method/CaseThis case presentation will serve to highlight the impact of psychiatric medication management, CBT and motivation building approaches for lifestyle and brain health in a geriatric outpatient with paraplegia and multiple other medical conditions.This is a 71 y/o F with a past medical history of Acid reflux, Cardiomyopathy, history of recurrent UTIs, hypertension, OSA on CPAP, generalized anxiety disorder who reports mild depressive/anxiety symptoms starting in adolescence/early childhood, responding positively to therapy/treatment. Symptoms worsened after traumatic loss of lower body function (paraplegia) s/p ruptured spinal cord tumor (1980′s). Patient with marked resilience with positive response to medications/therapy throughout her adulthood. In her late 60’s (over the past 2-3 years), patient with increase in anxiety/low mood in the context of surgeries which have begun to limit her upper body function/mobility, weakness, potential loss of independence. Treatment with multiple medications. This patient was referred to for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Brain Health Champion pilot program for further focus on anxiety treatment and lifestyle and brain health goal setting. ResultsThis case highlights the importance of team-based care in the treatment of anxiety, low mood, and brain health in medically complex geriatric outpatients. In this patient, losing function of her lower extremities in early adulthood gravely affected her lifestyle and independence. Her resilience and motivation, coupled with intense physical therapy led to good control of anxiety and a good quality of life. With aging and further medical/surgical injuries, her upper extremities which were her lifeline to independence, became affected, leading to marked increase in anxiety and numerous hospital stays increasing dementia and delirium risk factors. The addition of cognitive behavioral therapy (including behavioral activation and value-based goal setting) and motivation engagement strategies for lifestyle and brain health has been crucial in the response to treatment allowing this patient to improve her quality of life.
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