India is having best weather system to apply the solar power system to individual home for people’s regular day to day working devices. Sunlight The local weather has a significant impact on photovoltaic systems, with dust being the most significant factor. Dust accumulation on the surface of photovoltaic (PV) panels prevents sunlight from reaching the cells, which ultimately lowers the system's power output. Depending on the location, PV integration strategy, and size of the PV power plant, regular cleaning is necessary to prevent dust-based power losses. This publication examines the effects of dust buildup on solar systems, including radiation loss and output power operation, and establishes the ideal cleaning interval. In the current sector recharging and battery maintenance is one of the most difficult in our day to day life. This paper explains the novel technology help to analyse the battery level. The systems find the level of battery as well as automatically recharge the device using solar power system. So for this devices can recharge automatically and stop recharging after completing the battery level is full. Communication is one of the most preferable and should not avoidable. This method help to recharge the mobile devices without socketing and plugin device for our regular power supply. The proposed ARTSPS helps to easy recharging is possible while we are going to apply this novel revolution. ARTSRS Solar panels are designed to work in all weather conditions. The only factor that can affect a solar installation is snow accumulation, which can reduce production due to shading.
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