The anatomy and mechanics of the fore-wings of the Australian cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus were examined to study how resonances of the wings were excited, to model the interactions between the two wings during sound production, to account for the frequency changes that occur within the pulses and to determine the variation in sound amplitude during the pulses. Sound is produced after raising the wings by closing the right wing over the left; the plectrum of the left wing engages and releases teeth on the file on the underside of the right wing. The mean number of teeth on the right file is 252; the teeth are more closely spaced in the posterior part of the file, which is engaged at the start of the song pulses. The anterior part of the file is separated from the base of the harp by a short flexible region. The dorsal field of the wing, in which the harp is situated, is largely mechanically isolated from the driving veins of the lateral field, except for a cross vein at the apex of the harp. The harps of the two wings did not differ significantly in area but the plectrum of the left wing was significantly longer and wider than that of the right wing. The posterior edge of the plectrum has a radius of approximately 0.5 micro m, which allows it to engage the 20 micro m-tall teeth of the file. The plectrum is separated from the wing by a 0.5 micro m-thick crescent that allows it to twist lengthways and thus disengage the file teeth. The sigmoid shape of the file allows the plectrum to engage teeth over most of the length of the file. The calling song of T. oceanicus consists of a chirp of four similar pulses followed by a trill of pairs of pulses. The dominant frequency of all pulses is approximately 4.8 kHz but cycle-by-cycle analysis suggests that the different types of pulse are produced by wing-closing movements through different arcs. Free resonances of the left wing occurred at 4.56 kHz [quality factor (Q)=25.1] and of the right wing at 4.21 kHz (Q=23.9). Driven by loud sound, maximum vibration of the harp was seen at approximately 4.5 kHz; at lower sound levels, the vibration was confined to the cross-veins of the harp that extend distally from the file. Resonances of the left wing driven by vibration of the same wing, either at the plectrum or on the anal area, occurred at similar frequencies to those of the songs and had similar Qs but were approximately anti-phase, demonstrating that movement of the plectrum (e.g. by the file teeth) causes an opposite movement of the harp. When the right wing was driven directly on the file, the resonant frequency was 5.88 kHz but, when driven on the file via a length of the left file and the left plectrum, it was 4.83 kHz. The amplitude of the vibration increased from the posterior end of the file to the middle then fell towards the anterior end of the file. Pushing a left plectrum across the middle of the right file produced trains of damped sound pulses at 4.82 kHz (Q=23.4). Clicks excited from the anterior end of the file had lower frequencies. The resonances excited from both the left wing via its plectrum and from the right wing when driven via the left plectrum were similar in frequency to that of the song. The resonance of the dorsal field persisted after ablation of the harp but the mean resonant frequency increased 1.12-fold with a similar Q to the intact wing. Droplets of water on the distal end of the harp or proximal part of the dorsal field raised the resonant frequency. The resonant frequency was lowered by the addition of weights to the harp or the file; the factor of the decrease suggested that the mass of the resonant system was approximately 1.4 mg, which accords with the mass of the harp plus file plus anal area of the wing (left wing, 1.27 mg; right wing, 1.15 mg) but is far heavier than the harp (0.22 mg). An earlier suggestion that the harp is the resonator is not supported; instead, it is proposed that the major elastic component of the resonant system is the file plus 1st anal vein and that the mass component is the combined mass of the file, anal area and harp.
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