
To investigate the way in which very small insects compensate for unilateral wing damage, we measured the wing kinematics of a very small insect, a phorid fly (Megaselia scalaris), with 16.7% wing area loss in the outer part of the left wing and a normal counterpart, and we computed the aerodynamic forces and power expenditures of the phorid flies. Our major findings are the following. The phorid fly compensates for unilateral wing damage by increasing the stroke amplitude and the deviation angle of the damaged wing (the large deviation angle gives the wing a deep U-shaped wing path), unlike the medium and large insects studied previously, which compensate for the unilateral wing damage mainly by increasing the stroke amplitude of the damaged wing. The increased stroke amplitude and the deep U-shaped wing path give the damaged wing a larger wing velocity during its flapping motion and a rapid downward acceleration in the beginning of the upstroke, which enable the damaged wing to generate the required vertical force for weight support. However, the larger wing velocity of thedamagedwing also generates larger horizontal and side forces, increasing the resultant aerodynamic force of the damaged wing. Due to the larger aerodynamic force and the smaller wing area, the wing loading ofthedamaged wing is 25% larger than that of the wings of the normal phorid fly; this may greatly shorten the life of the damaged wing. Furthermore, because the damaged wing has much larger angular velocity and produces larger aerodynamic moment compared with the intact wing of the damaged phorid fly, the aerodynamic power consumed by the damaged wing is 38% larger than that by the intact wing, i.e., the energy distribution between the damaged and intact wings is highly asymmetrical; this may greatly increase the muscle wastage of the damaged side.

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