On a global level, ecological communities are being perturbed at an unprecedented rate by human activities and environmental instabilities. Yet, we understand little about what factors facilitate or impede long-term persistence of these communities. While observational studies indicate that increased biodiversity must, somehow, be driving stability, theoretical studies have argued the exact opposite viewpoint instead. This encouraged many researchers to participate in the ongoing debate. Within this context, however, there has been a severe lack of studies that consider spatial features explicitly, even though nearly all habitats are spatially embedded. To this end, we study here the linear stability of meta-ecosystems on networks that describe how discrete patches are connected by dispersal between them. By combining results from random-matrix theory and network theory, we are able to show that there are three distinct features that underlie stability: edge density, tendency to triadic closure, and isolation or fragmentation. Our results appear to further indicate that network sparsity does not necessarily reduce stability, and that connections between patches are just as important, if not more so, to consider when studying the stability of large ecological systems. Published by the American Physical Society 2024