ABSTRACTA multiscale feature fusion of Efficient‐Residual Net is proposed for classifying tumors on brain Magnetic resonance images with solid or cystic masses, inadequate borders, unpredictable cystic and necrotic regions, and variable heterogeneity. Therefore, in this research, Efficient‐Residual Net is proposed by efficaciously amalgamating features of two Deep Convolution Neural Networks—ResNet50 and EffficientNetB0. The skip connections in ResNet50 have reduced the chances of vanishing gradient and overfitting problems considerably thus learning of a higher number of features from input MR images. In addition, EffficientNetB0 uses a compound scaling coefficient for uniformly scaling the dimensions of the network such as depth, width, and resolution. The hybrid model has improved classification results on brain tumors with similar morphology and is tested on three internet repository datasets, namely, Kaggle, BraTS 2018, BraTS 2021, and real‐time dataset from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. It is observed that the proposed system delivers an overall accuracy of 96.40%, 97.59%, 97.75%, and 97.99% on the four datasets, respectively. The proposed hybrid methodology has given assuring results of 98%–99% of other statistical such parameters as precision, negatively predicted values, and F1 score. The cloud‐based web page is also created using the Django framework in Python programming language for accurate prediction and classification of different types of brain tumors.
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