This article examines the process of converting industrial sites in France, transforming outdated industrial zones into modern, innovative spaces. This approach preserves historical and cultural heritage while revitalizing the economic and socio-cultural potential of the regions. The study focuses on the use of the BASOL and BASIAS databases for monitoring contaminated areas and planning their remediation, which is a key aspect of successful reconversion. The article analyzes the legislative framework and programs supporting this process, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in developing effective strategies for industrial site recovery. The study addresses key factors influencing architectural and urban reconversion and the sustainable development of industrial areas, including the environmental impact of mining activities and land degradation. Special attention is given to the potential of abandoned industrial zones for urban regeneration through sustainable reconversion and the reuse of abandoned urban spaces. The article explores methods of architectural and urban reconversion: building adaptation, phytoremediation, and the repurposing of existing industrial facilities for new uses. It highlights four fundamental principles of architectural and urban reconversion: synthesis, viability, environmental safety, and the integration of industrial objects into the urban fabric. Using France as an example, the study investigates the transformation of degraded industrial areas through architectural and urban reconversion. The use of the BASOL and BASIAS databases for monitoring contaminated sites and planning their remediation is a crucial tool in developing reconversion strategies aimed at restoring and sustainably developing these areas. The processes of industrial site reconversion in France reflect comprehensive approaches to building adaptation, phytoremediation, and economic diversification. The concept of reconversion represents a complex, multi-layered approach to territory transformation, combining various scientific fields including architecture, urban planning, urban studies, history, and ecology. Strategies resulting from this integration not only preserve cultural heritage and unique architectural features but also minimize environmental harm by optimizing the use of material resources. Incorporating the principles of synthesis, environmental safety, integration of industrial objects, and viability into urban planning practices can promote sustainable urban development in Ukraine, enhance the quality of urban environments, and support inclusive development by expanding social and economic opportunities.
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