Peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunocytochemistry, applied on serial semithin epoxy resin sections, was used to examine the localization of endogenous GABA in horizontal cells in the retina of a marine teleost, the dragonet (Callionymus lyra L.). The immunostaining shows that not only the external H1 cone horizontal cells label with antibodies against GABA, but also the H2 and H3 cone horizontal cells in the inner nuclear layer. The distribution of the H1 cells corresponds to that of the single cones. They are square-patterned and in the dorsal retina their density equals 20,000 cells/mm2. The estimated density of the immunostained H2 and the H3 cells in the dorsal retina is 9500 and 1300 cells/mm2, respectively. The H2 and H3 cells are not geometrically arranged, but nearest-neighbor analysis shows that these horizontal cell types do have a very regular disposition. We suggest that GABA is the likely neurotransmitter substance used by all cone horizontal cell types in teleost retina.
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