Statement of the problem: As practice shows, teaching reading comprehension in a foreign language is a complex process that requires a clear organization of training activities to overcome various kinds of difficulties. Students find especially hard to read career-oriented texts. In the given article, the methodology of denotative analysis for teaching reading career-oriented texts, and the experience of its implementation in a non-linguistic university are considered. Results: The authors describe in detail the algorithm for making up a denotation graph when dealing with a career-oriented text, as well as the main techniques for using denotation graphs at different stages of reading, taking into account the type of reading and individual characteristics of students. In addition to while-reading exercises focused on understanding the contents and structural peculiarities of the text and the formation of semantic processing skills of what is read, pre-text exercises for recognition and development of linguistic means of expressing subject relations in the text are offered that are aimed at removing lexical and grammatical difficulties and contributing to the formation of receptive and productive professional vocabulary, as well as to the development of linguistic and contextual guesswork. Conclusion: It can be concluded that using denotative analysis methodology makes it possible to improve the efficiency of teaching career-oriented reading comprehension, and consequently, to enhance teaching a foreign language for a specific career. Denotation graphs can be used when teaching any type of reading in order to extract information at any stage of training. At the same time, it can also be stated that applying denotative career-oriented text analysis allows developing universal information processing skills necessary when working with any source, both in a foreign language and in a native one.
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