Teachers in Islamic boarding schools are very important in the development of national education. They are responsible for creating the production process of students or students who have quality and capacity in general education as well as religious knowledge, the output of which is to deliver the sons and daughters of Islamic boarding school foundations to have intellectual and spiritual intelligence. This will be influenced by the quality of the teachers' performance. This study focuses on the influence of Competence, Motivation and discipline of school teachers who are members of the Miftahul Midad Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Lumajang Regency. The sample of this study was the teachers of the Miftahul Midad Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Lumajang Regency, totaling 42 respondents with a saturated sampling method (census). This study uses quantitative analysis to assess the relationship between the variables of competence, motivation and discipline on teacher performance. The results of the study indicate that competence, motivation and discipline partially influence the performance of teachers of the Miftahul Midad Islamic boarding school foundation in Lumajang Regency. The coefficient of determination is 0.643. This means that 64.3% of performance can be influenced by the competence, motivation, and discipline of teachers. Keywords: Competence, motivation, discipline, performance, Islamic boarding school