In this article, canonical and spectrally minimal infinite-dimensional state space realizations for periodic functions are considered. It is shown that the periodic functions having ℓ 1 Fourier coefficients are precisely those realizable by a Riesz spectral system (RSS) in which the system operator generates a periodic strongly continuous semigroup and the observation operator is bounded. This realization can easily be converted to a canonical and spectrally minimal form. It is shown how the use of RSS and Cesáro sums of Fourier series allows the construction of a state space realization for a given periodic function merely integrable over its period. Simple finite-dimensional approximations with error bounds are derived for the RSS realization. Regular well-posed linear systems (WPLS) are used to construct a Fuhrmann-type realization for a given periodic function integrable over its period. It is shown that the RSS realizations and WPLS realizations are precisely equally good at coping with the possible ill behavior of a given bounded periodic function integrable over its period, but the WPLS realization is not always spectrally minimal or canonical.
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