Cavitation microstreaming has been identified as an important mechanism underpinning sonoporation. The reported evidence includes experimental observation of the permeabilization of non-adherent cells or vesicles in microstreaming and theoretical and experimental estimates of the fluid shear stress required to induce pore formation in cell membranes and/or the activation of membrane components such as ion channels. The aim of this study was to assess the relative contribution of microstreaming to sonoporation observed in vitro with adherent cells, as commonly used in drug delivery studies. Streak velocimetry measurements were performed within a microfluidic cell of the microstreaming around a contrast agent microbubble driven at 0.5 and 1MHz and peak negative pressures up to 1MPa. The results suggest that, for the cell densities and microbubble concentrations typically reported in sonoporation studies, only a very small proportion of cells within a typical culture device would be exposed to sufficiently high shear stresses to be permeabilised. This finding is inconsistent with reported results for drug delivery efficiency and suggests that microstreaming may not be the dominant mechanism of sonoporation in this type of experiment.