Diversity techniques have been extensivelyconsidered for application in propagation media,examining various combining schemes, to mitigate theeffects of short-term fading probability andconsequently to reduce the required fading margin.Narrowband propagation measurements were conductedwithin a four-story building at Technical University ofAthens under a number of different radio pathconditions, using a dual-channel-receiving unit, consistingof two spectrum analyzers, controlled by a personalcomputer. This paper presents the results of indoorradio propagation using space and cross-polarization diversity measurements in an indoor wirelessradio channel at 1.8 GHz. Moreover, the diversity gainat 99% signal reliability level and correspondingcross-correlation coefficients have been estimated by considering selection and maximalratio-combining diversity schemes. The results are veryimportant for system designers of indoor communicationsystems, involving data transmission on wireless mobilenetworks. A detailed description of the measurementenvironment and experimental setup is given. From themeasurements collected, the parameters of power decayfactor and temporal fading signal statistics were also estimated and analyzed.
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