1. 1. Certain strains of bacteriophage are prevented from adsorbing to their bacterial hosts by various factors; strain T2H of the T-even group is prevented from adsorbing to Escherichia coli by indole. 2. 2. In this study it was shown that anti-T2H-sera obtained from chickens early in the course of immunization possess the ability to stabilize the phage in the presence of indole, permitting infection of the host. 3. 3. After purification of the serum globulins from these ‘ early ’ antisera, the phage stabilization properties were shown to reside in the 19S immunoglobulins and were not found to be associated with the 78 immunoglobulins. 4. 4. The mode of action leading to pbage stabilization in the presence of indole was not determined, but it is thought that the antisera interfere with a site on the phage sheath to which the tail fibres bind in the presence of indole. 5. 5. The phage stabilization assay proved to be a sensitive method by which the 19S antibody response in an immune animal could be followed.
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