Accessibility analyses are important for public transit (PT) planning, as they reveal possible deficits in PT services. Since such accessibility analyses are highly time-dependent, the Modifiable Temporal Unit Problem (MTUP) should be considered. In this context, one approach is to calculate accessibility continuously for an entire day and aggregate it appropriately. However, this approach is complex and computationally intensive and is therefore rarely, if ever, applied. Instead, practitioners and researchers rely on simplified methods without considering temporal effects in detail. This paper bridges this gap by developing a simple yet representative method to account for the temporal variability of PT services. For this purpose, we calculate and compare PT accessibility for different time windows and through different aggregation methods for Germany. The results show that PT analyses between 9–11 a.m. were most representative. Alternatively, the time windows between 7–9 a.m. and between 1–3 p.m. adequately reflected accessibility. The median was suitable for aggregating individual time intervals into a representative value for the PT service throughout a day, while the maximum or mean value distorted the results. For practical planning purposes, we therefore recommend using the 9–11 a.m. time window.
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