Winter wheat is Russia's leading strategic crop. It ensures sustainable grain production, largely determines food security, and political and economic stability of the country. The aim of the research is to create adaptive, stress-resistant genotypes of wheat of a universal type with a complex of basic economic characteristics for cultivation in the conditions of the North Caucasus, Lower Volga and Central Chernozem regions of Russia. The creation of new wheat varieties is carried out using modern methods of classical, haploid and marker-assisted breeding. The basis of these methods is a complex, step-by-step hybridization and purposeful, continuous individual selection in all parts of the breeding process, starting with the third generation of hybrids. The selection of adaptive, competitive wheat genotypes is carried out according to the characteristics of the model of universal varieties of different intensity developed by us. The varieties were studied according to the type of competitive tests, the method of placing variants was systematic, the repetition was 4-fold. At the last stage of crosses, the Solokha wheat variety was used as the maternal form, the Smuglyanka variety was the paternal form. The Zhila variety belongs to the erythrospermum variety. This is a high-yielding variety, on average, over the years of study, the grain yield excess over the standard Grom variety was high, reliable and amounted to 1.62 t/ha. The variety is quickly-ripening; its growing season is 4 days shorter compared to the mid-ripening Grom variety. It has a high resistance to lodging and belongs to the intensive-type varieties. In terms of the main structural elements of yield (the number of grains per ear, the weight of the grain and the weight of 1000 grains) significantly exceeds the Grom variety. The Zhila variety is characterized by high drought resistance and heat resistance. According to flour-baking indicators, the new variety corresponds to strong wheat. It is characterized by high field resistance to a complex of diseases (powdery mildew, brown, yellow and stem rust, loose smut, tan spot, fusarial wilt, septoriose).
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