Higher medical education imposes high demands on students; therefore, attention must be paid to personality parameters that contribute to successful adaptation, among which emotional intelligence and level of aggression are important. Emotional intelligence positively affects the psychological state of students, reducing the manifestation of aggression. Materials and methods: The sample was made by 120 students of the medical faculty of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University at the age of 18-20 years. For diagnostics of emotional intelligence, N. Hall's method was used, and L.G. Pochebuts questionnaire was applied to the assessment of aggressive behavior. Results. It is established that only 5.8% of respondents have a high level of emotional intelligence, and worst of all, such parties as management of one's own emotions, recognition of emotions of other people, and level of self-motivation are developed. Medical students most often exhibit high levels of physical, verbal, and self-aggression. Persons with a high level of general aggression have the lowest scores both on the initial level of emotional intelligence and on its individual scales: “self-motivation,” “empathy,” and “recognition of emotions of other people.” Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant inverse association between the level of general aggression and empathy (r = -0.268). Conclusions. The results of the study indicate an insufficiently formed emotional intelligence and the need for its development among students of medical specialties as well as corrective measures with persons with a high level of aggression in order to increase their adaptive abilities.
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