Center for Environment and Sustainability Science The recent dominant paradigm of development to some extents have brought “artificial progress” in a number of developing countries, particularly the global south. It has in-fact led to growing income inequality and greater social inequities. It is said so due to it: 1) drowns the nation in the control of global corporations that create acute and sustainable dependence, 2) kills the diversity of specific local products/commodities; dwarfs the abundance of natural resources, internal inputs and local wisdom, 3) put aside indigenous knowledge and technology by metaphors of hegemony and modern innovation, 4) gets rid local actors and nourishes foreign corporations through various investments, which then controls various resources, 5) embed developmentalism that are spread in the sphere of government, bureaucracy, markets, as well as superiority ratio in education and research.An alternative notion is the hope in opposition to this hegemony. A dominant perspective based on various global issues, such as free trade and climate change, must be accompanied by its suitability to be applied at the local level, which is actually rich with diversity, and empirically leading to nation independence and sovereignty. Likewise, optimizing the involvement of various parties (from the government to community) in ensuring sustainability is another prominent issue. On the other hand, the decline in trust in the authorities tends to reduce the level of people’s obedience to various rules, and begins to shift to a way of life that inclusively ignores the rules of the authorities. Hence, where each single party should put themselves? does it need a radical repositioning in order to ensure sustainability?.Therefore, the Center for Environment and Sustainability Science (CESS) Universitas Padjadjaran hold a 5th International Conference on Sustainability Science 2022 “Sustainability Science and Glocalization”. Greening of Industry Network (GIN) The Greening of Industry Network (GIN) is entering its fourth decade of bringing together some of the world’s leading thinkers from academia, industry, government, and civil society. We are an international network of professionals from research, education, business, government and civil society organizations who join together to develop knowledge and transform practice to accelerate progress toward a sustainable society by focusing on issues of industrial development, environment and society, dedicated to building a sustainable future.It is our pleasure to collaborate at this Conference held in Bandung in collaboration with Center for Environment and Sustainability Science (CESS) and the Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD).This is the third time we are holding a joint Sustainability Science conference in Bandung with CESS and UNPAD. The Conference on Sustainability Science 2022 is focusing on academic, institutional and societal challenges which explores how alternative local approaches can ensure better sustainability for human life in their interactions globally which is in line with GIN’s mission. The topic of this conference, Sustainability and Glocalization is of utmost relevance to sustainability research and policy. It is also central to GIN’s strategy for its fourth decade. We aim to continue promoting global standards, knowledge, and collaboration for environmental protection while at the same time enabling platforms where partnerships are forged to address ‘wicked problems’ locally. We do this by bringing together scholars from many regions of the world to integrate their experiences with local skills and knowledge, sowing the seeds for the development of context-specific strategies to address the local manifestations of humanity’s great challenges: climate change, biodiversity threats, pollution, inequality and exclusion.Indonesia is central to much of East Asia’s development and increasingly prominent in global supply chains. Indonesia also hosts invaluable ecosystems and biodiversity, natural wonders, cultural treasures and unique historical heritage that must be preserved from the burden that global business models and technologies may inadvertently cause. The papers presented in this proceeding bring together the latest thoughts in a wide range of disciplines addressing global sustainability issues with local impacts. Together they provide a rich tapestry of transdisciplinary strategies and pathways to achieve local goals of environmental protection and social inclusion while at the same time harnessing the benefits of global flows of knowledge, innovation and technology.We wish to thank CESS and Universitas Padjadjaran in hosting this important event. There are many people to thank for making this Conference a reality with dozens of individuals necessary to make up the Advisory, Steering, Organizing, and Scientific Committees.List of Objectives, Theme, Scopes, Speakers and Participants, Conference Program, Committee, s are available in the pdf.