A two-scale plot is a display of measurements Xi, i = 1, 2, . . . , N with heterogeneous variances. Often, as in the example below, a provisional estimate S,2 of the variance of each measurement is available; however, it is prudent to check whether the behavior of the data agrees with the provisional variance estimates. A two-scale plot provides such a check and in addition displays both the marginal distribution of the measurements Xi and the marginal distribution of the measurements Zi = XilSi standardized to have approximately unit variance. The plot uses three interrelated coordinates in two dimensions, so a single point represents both a measurement Xi and its standardized value Zi = XilSi. The coordinates of a measurement are (Xi, Zi, Si-) where the measurement Xi determines the diagonal coordinate, the standardized measurement Zi determines the horizontal coordinate, and the scaling factor Si-' determines the vertical coordinate. The example in Figure 1 uses data from an experiment to calibrate a film device designed to measure radiation. Certain atomic particles which strike the film leave marks; the number Yi of marks counted on a specified area of film is used to estimate the radiation level. Physical arguments, which ignore potential problems due to measurement error, suggest the number Yi of marks should be Poisson distributed with expectation proportional to the total dose. The data used here are readings from 135 devices, divided into groups of 50, 50, 25, and 10 devices, and exposed to a known, constant level of radiation for 3 days, 4 days, 7 days, and 14 days, respectively. The total dose is proportional to the number of days of exposure. For each dose Figure 1 contains a boxplot (Tukey, 1977) representing both the residuals Xi = Yi Yi and the standardized residuals Zi = XilSi = (Yi Yi)l/VYi from the proportional Poisson model described above, fitted by maximum likelihood, where Yi denotes the fitted count. Of course, S,2 is taken equal to Yi because under the Poisson model var (Yi) = E(Yj), where var (Yi) denotes the variance of Yi. At each of the four doses, the median residual is slightly negative because the Poisson distribution is skewed. Since the spread of the standardized residuals Zi does not vary with the scale factors Si-', the standardization with S,2 = 1i has been effective in producing standardized residuals with nearly constant variance, which is consistent with the assumption that the counts Yi are Poisson distributed. Departures from the Poisson model can take several forms in a two-scale plot. For example, if the counts Yi had been distributed as the sum of a Poisson variable and an independent measurement error with zero mean and constant variance, so var (Yi) = E( Yi) + 0.2, say, then S,2 = Y, would underestimate the variance of Yi, particularly for small E( Y); as a result, the interquartile range of the standardized residuals Zi = ( Yi Yi)l/VYi would have been greater than in Figure 1, and the spread of the standardized residuals Zi would have tended to increase with Si-'. Alternatively, if the count Yi had been distributed as the sum of a Poisson variable and an independent counting error with zero mean and variance proportional to the expected count, so var (Yi) = E( Y1) (1 + f3), with f3> 0, then S,2 = Yi would underestimate the variance of Yi by a constant factor; as a result, the interquartile range of the standardized residuals Zi would have been greater than in Figure 1, but the spread of the standardized residuals would not have tended to increase with Si-'. In short, the behavior of the standardized residuals Zi as a function of Si-' pro-