[1] A Whole atmosphere Data Assimilation System (WDAS) is used to simulate the January 2009 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW). WDAS consists of the Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) and the 3-dimensional variational (3DVar) analysis system GSI (Grid point Statistical Interpolation), modified to be compatible with the WAM model. An incremental analysis update (IAU) scheme was implemented in the data assimilation cycle to overcome the problem of excessive damping by digital filter in WAM of the important tidal waves in the upper atmosphere. IAU updates analysis incrementally into the model, thus avoids the initialization procedure (i.e., digital filter) during the WAM forecast stage. The WDAS simulation of the January 2009 SSW shows a significant increase in TW3 (terdiurnal, westward propagating, zonal wave number 3) and a decrease in SW2 (semidiurnal, westward propagating, zonal wave number 2) wave amplitudes in the E region during the warming, which can be attributed likely to the nonlinear wave-wave interactions between SW2, TW3 and DW1 (diurnal, westward propagating, zonal wave number 1). There is a delayed increase in SW2 in the E region after the warming, indicating a modulation by the changing large-scale planetary waves in the loweratmosphere during the SSW. These tidal wave responses during SSW appeared to be global in scale. An extended WAM forecast initialized from WDAS analysis shows remarkably consistent tidal wave responses to SSW, indicating a potential forecasting capability of several days in advance of the effects of the large-scale tropospheric and stratospheric dynamics on the thermospheric and ionospheric variability.
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