PMD21 An AssessMent of the econoMic iMPAct of the ADoPtion of A new MechAnicAl fixAtion Device Along with A new skirteD intrAPeritoneAl onlAy Mesh (iPoM) on hosPitAl costs of oPen ventrAl herniA rePAir surgeries Panish J.M.1, Chekan E.2, Roy S.1 1Ethicon, Somerville, NJ, USA, 2Johnson & Johsnon (Ethicon), Cincinnati, OH, USA Objectives: Demonstrating economic value of new products is important for hospitals adoption. The combination of two devices: ETHICON SECURESTRAP® Open Absorbable Strap Fixation Device and ETHICON PHYSIOMESHTM Open Flexible Composite Mesh Device, offers a standardized approach to open IPOM repair of ventral hernia. This analysis assesses the potential economic value of using these devices when compared with other meshes and a hand-sutured fixation approach. MethOds: An economic model was developed to evaluate the budget impact to hospitals adopting ETHICON SECURESTRAPTM Open Fixation Device with ETHICON PHYSIOMESHTM Open in ventral hernia repair. A 1to 3-year time horizon was included in the Excel-based model. An increasing utilization rate for ETHICON SECURESTRAPTM Open (20% 60%), and ETHICON PHYSIOMESHTM Open (10% 30%) was assumed over 3-year horizon. Costs of the mechanical fixation device, suture supplies, mesh, OR time, anesthesia time, and potentially avoided surgical site infections were considered. The differences in total costs were calculated. Results: Based on the model inputs, a 3-year total potential saving of $240,650 was estimated for 100 annual open ventral hernia surgeries using ETHICON SECURESTRAPTM Open Fixation Device versus suture of various meshes. Over three years, although the use of ETHICON SECURESTRAPTM Open Fixation Device added $54,600 in supplies costs, this was completely offset by potential savings in OR time costs ($167,520), potential reduction in avoided surgical site infection or seroma costs due to shorter operating room time ($126,903), and potential reduction in anesthesia costs ($17,189). Similarly, a savings of $40,108 was expected in the very first year. cOnclusiOns: This analysis represents the first economic evaluation of ETHICON SECURESTRAPTM Open Fixation Device with ETHICON PHYSIOMESHTM Open in open ventral hernia surgery. Adoption of the two devices would likely result in savings for hospitals, driven by shorter procedure time and related expected clinical benefits.
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