According to the results of the research, the influence of water-retaining granules on the biometric parameters of beetroot plants was revealed, in particular, an increase in the assimilation surface area was noted. The highest height of beetroot plants was observed in the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety for the application of water-retaining granules – 33.4 cm, which is 4.9 cm more than in the variant without granules. A positive effect of the use of water-retaining granules was also observed in the Opolskiy variety, where the increase was 3.7 cm compared to the variant without granules. The lowest figure was in the variety Opolskiy without pellets – 22.1 cm. An important indicator in the biometric evaluation of beet varieties is the weight of the root crop. It was the largest in the options for the introduction of water-retaining granules: in the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety growth relative to control was – 6.5 g, in the Opolskiy variety – 7.6 g. Biometric measurements also showed an increase in the mass of the aboveground part of the plants with the introduction of water-retaining granules by 5.4 and 4.9 g, respectively. A higher percentage of the mass of the root in relation to the total mass of the beetroot plant in phase 5 of a pair of true leaves was obtained in the variety Opolskiy – 57.6 – 58.6 %. In the phase of intensive root formation, the highest plant height was recorded in Bordo Kharkivskiy varieties and Opolskiy with the use of water-retaining granules, where the increase was 3.2 cm relative to the control. The same pattern was observed when determining the number of leaves on the plant, where the increase was – 3.5 – 3.2 pieces / plant. An increase in root mass was observed with the introduction of water-retaining granules by 3.3 and 4.0 g, respectively. In the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety the weight of the aboveground part was higher compared to the weight of the root crop, while in the Opolskiy variety the opposite weight of the root crop was observed, the indicator of which was 55.3 – 56. % of the total weight of the plant. Measurements of the area of beet leaves showed that this figure depended on the variety and use of water-retaining granules. In the phase of root moult, the larger leaf area was with the use of water-retaining granules 1.3 – 1.6 thousand m2 / ha, which is more than the control options by 0.3 – 0.4 thousand m2 / ha. The largest leaf area was recorded in the phase of intensive root formation in all studied variants. In the variants where water-retaining granules were used, the increase was 0.5 thousand m2 / ha in the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety, 0.3 thousand m2 / ha in the Opolskiy variety. In the phase of technical maturity of beetroot plants, a decrease in leaf area relative to the phase of intensive root formation was observed. However, the highest figure was in the options with the introduction of water-retaining granules. The use of water-retaining granules provided an increase in yield by 23.0 – 17.5 t / ha relative to controls. The Bordo Kharkivskiy variety was characterized by a larger diameter of the root crop – 7.5 – 8.4 cm, which is 2.9 – 2.6 cm larger than the Opolskiy variety, respectively. However, the plants of the Opolskiy variety showed a longer root length relative to the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety by 4.8 – 6.0 cm, respectively. Water-retaining granules contributed to the increase in root mass, where the increase was in the variety Bordo Kharkivskiy – 83.0 g, in the variety Opolskiy – 63.0 g
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