Potatoes are one of the most important food crops, and most susceptible to diseases, including viral ones. They can lead to significant yield losses (up to 30-80 %), and in the case of infection by several viruses, this damage increases. The article presents the results of evaluation of viral infection of seed potatoes in Altai Territory (10 potato samples from Kytmanovsky, Pervomaisky districts and Barnaul city) and its influence on morphometric and biochemical parameters of plants. The presence of viruses (X, Y, M, A, S, leafroll virus and tuber spindle viroid) in the samples was determined by RT-PCR using a ‘SINTOL’ set of reagents. Biochemical parameters: chlorophyll a and b concentrations, malonic dialdehyde, peroxidase activity were determined spectrophotometrically. The maximum frequency of occurrence in the districts of the region was observed for two viruses PVY, PVS. On varieties Colomba and Juwel, the prevalence of Y virus reached 100 %, S virus 90-100 %. Tuber spindle viroid (quarantine object), leafroll virus and A virus were absent in all tested samples. Evaluation of morphometric indices revealed a 1.4-fold decrease in the number of leaves affected by virus Y, relative to virus-free plants (variety Colombo). On the variety Gala, the combination of Y+S viruses caused in plants a reduction of leaf plates and an increase in the number of leaves by 1.9 times. S virus infection of Gala variety resulted in a 1.27-fold increase in MDA concentration and a 1.26-fold increase in peroxidase activity. Combined virus infection (PVY + PVS) enhanced the negative effect observed with mono-infection.
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