The load inductance, Ld, can be several times smaller than that of the pulsed power generator, L0, limiting the energy transfer efficiency. We define a relatively simple circuit modification, which improves the generator-to-load coupling, multiplying the load current in the case of interest, where L0⪢Ld. The suggested circuit modification operates similarly to an N:1 transformer and it can be designed to operate in vacuum with pulsed-power loads at high currents (many megaamperes). The current multiplier requires an additional volume having high self inductance, L, connected through convolutes to the generator and load. In its simplest configuration, N=2, a single convolute is required. The presented analysis shows that the efficiency of the proposed current multiplication scheme can theoretically exceed the values for a typical direct load-to-generator circuit. The modified hardware allows an increase of the load current by the factor of Id∕Ig=NL∕(L+Ld), where Ig represents the generator current and L can be easily made much greater than Ld either with or without the use of magnetic cores. The only uncertainties of this approach are potential convolute losses and the slight increase in load current rise time. Preliminary experimental tests were performed with a scaled down configuration which demonstrated current gain of 1.7 in the frequency range of interest and showed good agreement between analytically predicted and measured currents. The benefit of the scheme is also illustrated by simple circuit simulations for two types of potential applications requiring high power densities in vacuum: isentropic compression studies with Ld=constant loads, and imploding z-pinch research with dynamic [Ld(t)] loads. The proposed device is applicable for improving the characteristics of existing and future pulse power facilities.