The free-play social behaviors of 24 children with special needs in two discovery-oriented, inclusive preschool programs were compared with their typically-developing classmates who were matched by age and sex. Children who, for various reasons, used little or no productive language spent more time in solitary pursuits, seldom initiated interactions and, when they did, used a different entry strategy than any other group. Children who were incapable of independent locomotion were largely dependent on adults for initiating changes in their activities and for social exchanges. Although they received more adult support than children developing typically, perhaps because of limited sample size, children with disabilities who were capable of independent locomotion and displayed sufficient language to make their needs and intents clear did not differ significantly from the children who were developing typically. Adults’ behavior varied according to child condition and activity. From observing a single, 20-minute videotape of free play, naı̈ve observers agreed with our classifications of over 78% of the children.
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