Abstract In the present study, CR39 track etch detector was calibrated with a new system and the total charge changing cross-section of 300 A MeV Fe 26+ ion beam in aluminum target was measured. The CR39 nuclear track detectors were used to identify the incident charged particles and their fragments using an optical microscope DM6000 M and automated image analyzer system installed with Leica QWin Plus software. The CR39 detectors before and after the target were calibrated and found to have the same charge response; the charge resolution in both of the detectors were 0.19e and 0.20e, respectively. The calibration points were fitted with a polynomial of degree one and all the points are within the limits of the experimental errors. The response functions were also obtained and fitted with a polynomial of degree three which are quite good throughout Z / β = 4.6 to 41.4. The value of the total charge changing cross-section is σ tot = (1663 ± 236) mb. The total charge changing cross-section was compared with the experimental results of others and also fitted by the Bradt-Peters geometrical cross-section.
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