In the past few decades, the least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM) algorithm has been widely used to enhance images of complex subsurface structures by minimizing the data misfit function between the predicted and observed seismic data. However, this algorithm is sensitive to the accuracy of the migration velocity model, which, in the case of real data applications (generally obtained via tomography), always deviates from the true velocity model. Therefore, conventional LSRTM faces a cycle-skipping problem caused by a smeared image when using an inaccurate migration velocity model. To address the cycle-skipping problem, we have introduced an angle-domain LSRTM algorithm. Unlike the conventional LSRTM algorithm, our method updates the common source-propagation angle image gathers rather than the stacked image. An extended Born modeling operator in the common source-propagation angle domain is was derived, which reproduced kinematically accurate data in the presence of velocity errors. Our method can provide more focused images with high resolution as well as angle-domain common-image gathers (ADCIGs) with enhanced resolution and balanced amplitudes. However, because the velocity model is not updated, the provided image can have errors in depth. Synthetic and field examples are used to verify that our method can robustly improve the quality of the ADCIGs and the finally stacked images with affordable computational costs in the presence of velocity errors.
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