Over 1 300 000 lung cancer deaths have been estimated in the year 2000 [1]. Such enormous fatality rate reflects the limited chance of cure, with a dismal overall 5-year survival of approximately 14% in the United States and only 10% in Europe [2]. Surgical excision is still the most effective way to achieve local control and permanent cure, but is only applicable to 25 /30% of cases due to the tumour burden and tobacco-related comorbidity. It appears from epidemiological trends that major reductions of mortality for this disease can only be achieved by early detection and truly innovative treatments. Induction (neo-adjuvant) chemotherapy emerged as an option for patients with N2 disease after it became clear that only a minority of these patients could benefit from surgical resection alone and that preoperative radiotherapy had no effect on survival [3]. As the ability to perform a complete surgical resection, for locally advanced tumours, seems to play an important role in the management of this disease, a treatment modality that could reduce the tumour burden preoperatively might be useful to achieve a larger number of complete resections. Another potential benefit of induction chemotherapy is the fact that patients tend to be more compliant and less immuno-suppressed prior to surgery than they are in the post-operative period, and the pathological effect of chemotherapy on the tumours can be assessed more accurately, since resection occurs following chemotherapy. Furthermore, induction chemotherapy could eradicate micrometastatic disease, already present at the time of surgery, and thereby prolong survival. Induction chemotherapy followed by surgical resection and radiotherapy has been shown to improve survival in small randomised trials as well as in larger phase II studies [4], when results are compared with historical controls. Three phase III trials tested induction chemotherapy followed by surgery versus primary surgical resection in patients with clinical stage IIIA disease [5 /7]. Although different chemotherapy protocols were used and the number of patients was small, the survival rates reported were significantly higher than in the control arms. However, criticism has been raised on these trials due to patient’s selection, inaccurate staging and very short survival in the non-chemotherapy arm. In less advanced lung cancer, or intrapulmonary disease (T2N0 or T1-2N1 at CT scan), surgery alone can achieve a 40 /50% 5-year survival. Still, nearly half of the patients die because of recurrent disease and the prognosis is poor enough to justify adjuvant therapies. Recent meta-analyses of randomised trials have shown no benefit for postoperative radiotherapy and a limited benefit for cisplatin based postoperative chemotherapy. Large on-going trials in Europe will hopefully clarify the real benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy in operable NSCLC. However, it is invariably true in every experience that chemotherapy, if applied after lung resection, can only be tolerated at full doses by a fraction of randomised patients. Moving chemotherapy upfront has several potential advantages in operable disease: better compliance, earlier treatment of occult residual disease, tumour shrinkage and downstaging leading to a lesser resection volume as well as true pathological assessment of response. Other, more theoretical, benefits include: prevention of viable tumour seeding at the time of surgery and of tumour promotion induced by immunosuppression or growth factors release after major surgery. A recently published trial conducted by the French cooperative group, has showed a nearly significant improvement of survival in patients receiving induction chemotherapy for early stage NSCLC, compared with surgery alone [8]. Some increased toxicity, however, has been observed in the chemotherapy arm, despite the fact that only two cycles of mitomycin containing regimens had been adopted. Given this rationale and scientific background, two multicentric randomised trials have been launched to evaluate two different schemes of preoperative chemotherapy in patients with operable NSCLC (stage E-mail address: ugo.pastorino@ieo.it (U. Pastorino). Lung Cancer 38 (2002) S35 /S36
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