The Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility has more than sixty participating protein crystallographers, located across Canada, will eventually consist of three beamlines; two insertion devices beamlines and one bending magnet beamline [1]. The first insertion device beamline (08ID-1) was intended to be a highly efficient and flexible, capable of satisfying the requirements of the most challenging and diverse crystallographic experiments, i.e. physically small crystals with large unit cell dimensions. The recently funded bending magnet 08B1 beamline has been designed to be dedicated to highthroughput data collection capable of being accessed remotely. The third, an undulator based 08ID-2 beamline, is envisioned to have micro-focusing capabilities with some restrictions in energy range. The CMCF 08ID-1 beamline has been built and is now being commissioned. The beamline is illuminated by a small-gap in-vacuum hybrid undulator (SGU), located in the upstream half of the straight section, and chicaned inboard by 0.75 mrad. The downstream half of this section is reserved for the 08ID-2 beamline SGU. The overall design of the beamline contains white beam slits (WBS), a double crystal monochromator (DCM) equipped with an indirectly cryocooled first crystal and a sagittally-focusing second crystal followed by a vertically focussing mirror (VFM). The beamline is completed with an innovative and very robust endstation, including the MarMosaic225 CCD X-ray detector. Most of the beamline components were manufactured by ACCEL Instruments GmbH (Germany). The beamline controls, similarly for the CLS facility, are being developed based on the EPICS platform. The beamline is equipped with a Rontek Spectrometer System (XFLASH 101A) for carrying out X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES) for multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) experiments, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for the detection of metal atoms in protein derivative crystals. The beamline will be equipped with a robotic cryogenic sample changer that is based on the SSRL design (SAM). At the meeting we will present recent results of experiments performed at the CMCF 08ID-1 beamline. The CLS is supported by NSERC, NRC, CIHR and the University of Saskatchewan..