Biochar is being evaluated globally as a means to improve soil fertility, ecosystemservices and sequester carbon. The review was made to understand the role of biochar in amelioration of soil acidity by studying influence of its addition on soil properties and crop productivity. The results of the studies indicated that application of biochar increased soil pH, CEC, available P and organic carbon and significantly increased crop yield. For instance, using biochar at 12 t ha-1, 8 tha-1 and lime at 2 t ha-1 gave grain yield of 2.67, 1.98 and 2.45 t ha-1, respectively, of teff compared to grain yield of 1.44 t ha-1 from treatments with no lime or biochar. Biochar combined with NP fertilizers also increased yield significantly as compared to plots that received fertilizer or lime alone; suggesting that biochar improved fertilizer use efficiency. Therefore, the impact and cost of mineral fertilizers as well as their associated risks on the environmental safety is becoming unaffordable. To alleviate these problems, integrating mineral fertilizers with easily available and an environmental friendly soil amendment, such as biochar is of paramount importance towards meeting our goal of increasing agricultural production and ensuring food security.
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