Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of CTL programs for 4-year university stu-dents in terms of program purposes, target audiences, instructional approaches, and learning outcomes.
 Methods This study adopted a systematic literature review to analyze the research findings related the CTL pro-grams published between the year 2018 and June 2023. We searched KCI indexed journal articles using sing in-clusion criteria and narrowed down to 53 journal articles for analysis.
 Results ‘Achieving good grades and improving learning achievement’ was a predominant purpose of the CTL pro-grams followed by ‘Strengthening core competencies’ and ‘Enhancing self-directed learning’. The majority of the program target audiences were undergraduates without any restriction followed by low learning achievers includ-ing those who received academic probation. A learning community was the most popular instructional approach of CTL programs followed by a mixed approach, workshops, and tutoring. The primary learning outcomes of the CTL programs included ‘Improving learning achievement’, ‘Enhancing self-directed learning’, and ‘Strengthening core competencies’.
 Conclusions The research findings indicate that the CTL programs predominantly focus on improving learning achievement and enhancing GPA. It is necessary to diversify the CTL programs to satisfy the needs of diverse students other than academic accomplishment. Also, the Centers for Teaching and Learning need to pay more at-tention to underrepresented target audiences of the CT programs, including international students, transfer stu-dents, or freshmen. Finally, the CTL programs should provide students with specific guidelines on how to operate learning communities to maximize learning achievement.
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