In this Post-COVID-19 “New Normal” era, the importance of Telemedicine is immense. In telemedicine, the patients’ sensitive medical data security is the matter of highest demands. There exists data transmission between the psychiatric patients and psychiatrists through web-based portal. Cryptography is the essential component where medical data is transmitted securely. Insomnia, Depression, Mood swings, Fear of death, etc are the common mental conditions observed in this COVID-19 pandemic. A symmetric key based on randomization of numbers were generated by a reliable and third party Key Distribution Centre. A set of robust binary sequences of 128 bits long were generated, known as secret session keys, and will be transported to both the parties. The web-portal will capture all the patients’ symptoms. Then homeopathy E-Prescriptions would be generated by the psychiatrists. This transmission of E-Prescription would be done using the proposed secret session key using Advanced Encryption Standards. Ignatia, Natrum Sulphuricum, Aconite, Arsenicum Album, Belladonna, etc are the important homeopathy medicines as prescribed by the homeopathy psychiatrists in COVID-19. Mathematical calculations were done on this proposed technique with positive efficacy. Hence, homeopathy telemedicine is the pivotal way to cure psychiatric patients remotely in this Post-COVID-19 “New Normal” context.
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