STALYC contributes to updating knowledge of profesionals of the Latín American region in different ways: regional and national congresses, scholarships and onsite courses. In 2013, STALYC decided to start an on line interactive Update educational program adapted for a region with large distances and high costs for traveling. The target population were professionals involved in Solid Organ Transplantation (SOT) activities. Objective To communicate the creation and development of the STALYC online interactive update courses program. Methods Structucture and population participating is describe. Results From 2013 to 2016, three courses in Spanish and Portuguese were implemented. Two of them were designed together with Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH). The topics addressed and year in which they were performed were: Immunopathology and Immunotherapy of Renal Diseases on Native and Transplanted Kidneys (INMUNO, 2013), SOT (SOT, 2014, re-edited in 2015) and Care of Kidney Transplante Patient (CAREKT,2016). Courses lasted 8 weeks, each one about a topic with a foro discussion. All of learning materials were especially elaborated for the courses. The last one included 21 lectures, 17 texts, 1 interview, 2 clinical simulation and 6 case discussion. Acces to learning materials was self-administred according to the time available by the students. Participation in the discussion was asyncrhronous: students were divided into groups. Each student participated the discussion looping at the previous ones. A total of 30 hours of study workload was estimated for each course. Regarding course evaluation, participation, satisfaction and knowledge gain (through pre and post tests) were used. Professionals registered by course were 498 for INMUNO, 778 for SOT and 643 for CAREKT. If we included tutors, lecturers and other faculty the total number of participants (registered plus teachers and tutors) were: 612, 916 and 693 respectively, being the total number of participants of 2.221 from 22 countries of the region. The score form the pre and the post-test increased in all the courses. The participants’ satisfaction was good or very good in more than 90%. The aspects of the courses that received the highest rating were the clinical simulations and the experts’ taped lectures. Lack of time was the main limiting factor. Participants did not perceive any commercial bias. Conclusions STALYC was able to implement an interactive online update program with three courses in three years. Professionals of the region got involved and expressed their wish that the program continue. The audience was over 600 participants in each course, with representatives of all the countries of the region. Professionals increased knowledge through each course. The degree of satisfaction was high. These results encourages the maintenance and expansion of the program including new strategic partnerships.
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