Photocurrent is a critical observable in a wide range of physical processes across different length scales, serving as a valuable tool for the characterization of semiconductors or two‐dimensional materials. Recently, photocurrent mapping, particularly when combined with magnetothermal transport effects, such as the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE), has been used to image magnetic domains and domain walls. To gain access to photocurrents on the nanoscale, this effect is combined with infrared scattering‐type scanning near‐field optical microscopy, in which strong field enhancement is created at the apex of an atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip, which serves as the confined illumination source creating localized temperature gradients through light absorption in the sample, which can be exploited for ANE detection. Herein, ANE photocurrents generated in a cobalt–iron–boron channel and the optical scattering are compared between various AFM tips, revealing significantly differing behavior for different tips. To gain insight into the origin of these differences, the measurements are further compared to finite element method simulations of tips with varied tip apex radii.
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