Abstract. Over the past decade hyper spectral (HS) image analysis has turned into one of the most powerful and growing technologies in the field of remote sensing. While HS images cover large area at fine spectral resolution, their spatial resolutions are often too coarse for the use in various applications. Hence improving their resolution has a high payoff. This paper presents a novel approach for super-resolution (SR) of HS images using compressive sensing (CS). Besides ill-posedness of SR problem, the main challenge in HS super-resolution is to preserve spectral contents among all bands while increasing their spatial resolutions. In this work, we first obtain an initial estimate of the super-resolution on a reduced dimension HS data. The HS observations of different wavelengths are represented as linear combination of smaller number of basis image planes (BIPs) using principal component analysis (PCA). The novelty of our approach lies in using CS based approach to super-resolve the most informative PCA transformed image representing highest spectral variance (i.e. the first principal component). Our approach uses low and high spatial resolution dictionaries of patches generated by random sampling of raw patches of PCA transformed images that are generated using the training images having similar statistical properties. Using the sparsity constraint, low resolution test patch is represented as a sparse linear combination of relevant dictionary elements adaptively, that leads to initial estimate of super-resolved PCA image having maximum spectral variability. Since SR is an ill-posed problem, we obtain the final solution using a regularization framework considering the sparse coefficients obtained by the CS approach and the autoregressive (AR) parameters obtained from the initial estimate. The remaining PCA images are up-scaled using regularization, considering the same AR parameters which were obtained from super-resolved PCA image having maximum spectral variability. Experiments are conducted on real HS images collected by Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS). Visual inspections and quantitative comparison confirm that our method enhances spatial information without introducing significant spectral distortion.
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