Recent results from a Swedish program for development of 60-GHz monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) for high-data-rate communication links are presented. Front-end circuits such as mixers, amplifiers, frequency multipliers, IF amplifiers with gain control, and voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) have been realized utilizing GaAs PHEMT and MHEMT technologies. A newly developed 7.5-GHz coupled Colpitt VCO shows a minimum phase noise of -95 dBc at 100 kHz offset. A second-harmonic 14-GHz VCO shows a minimum phase noise of less than -90 dBc at 100 kHz. A novel balanced 7-28-GHz MMIC frequency quadrupler is described and compared with a single-ended quadrupler at the same input frequencies. To demonstrate its feasibility and potential application, the quadrupler is combined with the Colpitt VCO and the output characteristics of the resulting 30-GHz MMIC source are measured. A three-stage MHEMT wide-band amplifier covering 43-64 GHz with a gain of 24 dB, a minimum noise figure of 2.5 dB, and a passband ripple of 2 dB is also described. In future 60-GHz systems for mass markets where cost is of utmost importance, Si-based technologies, especially CMOS, are highly interesting. Some recent circuit results based on a 90-nm CMOS technology are also reported.
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