The article is based on the study of the biography of Khairi Gimadi (Gimadutdinov Khairutdin Gimadievich), the famous Tatar historian, Candidate of Sciences in History, Senior Researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the specialty of “History of Tataria”. He worked as Senior Researcher at The Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Kazan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (IYALI KFAN USSR), and later as Head of the History Sector. Kh. Gimadi’s scientific activity took place under a tightening ideological control over the activities of the national intelligentsia in the context of the famous August (1944) Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Contemporary researchers often refer to his works, especially when describing the events associated with the mentioned Resolution. But specialized works on the study of the biography of Kh. Gimadi still do not exist. The article presents the results of the scientific research related to the study of the biography of the Tatar historian, the most valuable of which were the memoirs of Kh. Gimadi, stored in the personal archive of his children. The sources contain the information about the parents, the native village of Khairutdin Gimadievich; the rural life is also described. The most part of the story is devoted to the period of famine in the Volga region and to the children homelessness in the 1920s. The materials of the article will be useful for regional and Russian historians studying the development of Russian science and the Soviet everyday life.
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