One of art forms capable for being used as the source of moral values in li f t is Javanese shadow puppet because it contains various kinds of prin c iples and ethi c values. Indones i a people c an make use of the principles and values to survive. The glorious prin c iples and values made use of Indonesian people (espetialIy the Javane s e) have existed since the old da y s. S rikandhi, one of female figures in the Maha b arata, is often thought of as an ideal figure because this female figure has the p e rsonalit y that i s s uitable f o r a model for responsibility, dis c ipline, bravery, skills, and leadership. She is willing to put her own interest a side for the sake of the interest of others or her country. S rikandhi’s character has the image of femininity value. Javanese femininity value in the figur e of Srikandhi is differ e nt from gender and feminism at issue which tend to think that Ja v ane s e w o men are always position e d as subordinate, weak and hopeless. The figure of Srik a ndhi p r oje c ts an image of femininity value which positions women as strong chara c ters , having strong potential as resources and not subordinate to men. Gender and feminism at issue aimed at Javanese women are strongfy rejected Srikandhi becomes the figure who presents the rejection of the issue through the estbetic image morally and artistically. K ey words : Srik a nd hi, Wom e n , Value
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