Teachers are an important instrument in finding a new role that is more contextual and relevant to 21st century learning concepts offered a demanding professionalism of teachers in integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge (TPACK) in learning. This research aims to design a learning device in accordance with the framework using technology TPACK Quick Response (QR) Code to promote ICT literacy skills of students. The subjects were 95 students menangah school (high school) class X at SMAN 6 Yogyakarta. These results indicate that the instrument developed ICT literacy test had a reliability 0.84. Criteria for each item has a value of 0.98 with the criteria infit meansquare grains fit with the model of Rasch (meansquare infit ≤ 0.77 ≤ 1.33) with both criteria. Cohen’s interpretation of the value of f at 0:33 in the category of large effect size. TPACK Framework Using Quick Response (QR) Code that was developed has a positive effect with the high category in enhancing ICT literacy of students.