
According to the World Economic Forum report, the gap between the skills learned and the skills needed is widening. This has happened since the traditional learning styles have proven to fail to equip graduates with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work. Workers in the latest era need to have the skills to collaborate, communicate and solve problems (21st century skills). To meet the demands of 21st century skills there must be an important step of change, namely changing traditional teacher-centered learning patterns into student-centered learning patterns. One innovation learning model that is considered to be in line with the shift in learning paradigm is inquiry based learning. Inquiry-based learning is the one involving students in finding important and meaningful solution through investigation and collaboration with others. Inquiry learning follows the following steps: (1)Planning, (2) retrieving, (3) processing, (4) creating, (5) sharing, and (6) evaluating. With these general principles, Inquiry-Based Learning guides the actions of 21st Century learners.Furthermore, through the inquiry process, students develop the Skill Set of 21st Century Learners skills, namely: 1) Learning and innovation consisting of critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration of creativity and innovation; 2) Digital Literacy Skill consisting of information Literacy, Media Literacy and ICT Literacy; 3) Career and life skills consisting of flexibility and adaptability, self-initiative and direction, social and cross-cultural interaction, productivity and accountability, leadership and accountability


  • Pekembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi demikian pesat dan telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan manusia saat ini

  • This has happened since the traditional learning styles have proven to fail to equip graduates

  • with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work

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Konsep Model pembelajaran inkuiri

Pengertian pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri dalam makalah ini merujuk pada pendapat Levy et al (2009) yang mendefinisikan pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri sebagai suatu pendekatan pedagogik dimana kegiatan eksplorasi, investigasi atau penelitian dilakukan untuk mendorong pengalaman belajar. Siklus Pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri menginformasikan bahwa perumusan pertanyaan, investigasi, penciptaan solusi atau respon yang tepat, diskusi dan refleksi berhubungan dengan hasil belajar (Bishop, et al 2004). Ia memiliki misinya "untuk memposisikan kesiapan abad ke-21 di pusat pendidikan K12 AS dengan membangun kemitraan kolaboratif di antara para pemimpin pendidikan, bisnis, masyarakat, dan pemerintah" P21, demikian sebutannya, mengusulkan serangkaian hasil peserta didik abad ke-21, termasuk kedua subjek inti (3R); dan yang baru, termasuk keterampilan belajar dan inovasi (4 C: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity); information, media, and technology skills; and life and career skills. Dari pengertian di atas ada 4 subjek keterampilan yang dibutuhkan pada abad 21 yaitu (pemikiran kritis, komunikasi, kolaborasi, kreativitas) untuk diterapkan di keterampilan belajar dan inovasi, Kecakapan Hidup dan Karir yang harus ditanamkan dan bagaimana ketrampilan informasi, media, dan teknologi harus diberikan kepada pelajar “cerdas teknologi” kami saat ini

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