This paper constructs a standard space, PG, and a map p^PG—>G(p} such that each G(p) is a Polish group, and such that every Polish group is isomorphic to at least one of the groups G(p) ; PG thus serves as a parameter space for all Polish groups. We formulate the notion of a map from a standard B Space to Polish groups, and that of a from a standard groupoid to Polish groups; both are defined in terms of the existence of factorizations through PG. We apply these ideas to establish a general Cohomology Lemma, asserting that cocycles, with values in family of Polish groups, may be cobounded into a given family of dense, normal, subgroups, whenever the underlying groupoid is a hyperfinite equivalence relation. The purpose of this paper is to provide a parametrizatio n, by a standard space PG, for the space of Polish topological groups, i. e. those second countable topological groups whose underlying topology may be defined by a complete metric, and to present applications of this to the notion of Borel functor from a standard groupoid to Polish groups. The need for such concepts became apparent during the course of joint work with M. Takesaki on the classification of the possible actions (up to cocycle conjugacy) of a discrete amenable group on a hyperfinite, semifinite injective von Neumann algebra [12], and the paper can be viewed as preparatory to this work. However, the point of view adopted also reveals a definition of A. Connes, [4], of the notion of from a standard groupoid to standard measure spaces, as being very natural. A common situation in which the problems considered here arise is the following: if G is a Polish group and X a Polish G-space under
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