The application of field theory to the calculation of amounts of light has been advocated by a number of investigators. The general feeling, however, seems to be that photic field theory is applicable in so few cases that it is hardly worthy of consideration. A new study of the subject shows that it is of much wider applicability than has been customarily believed. Particularly by the use of the quasipotential, one is able to obtain results very simply that would require troublesome integrations by the classical method. In a few cases, such as the uniform point source, the uniform sphere, and the uniform circular cylinder, the photic field is mathematically identical with the electrostatic field. In these cases, classical potential theory can be applied directly. With most photic fields, however, a scalar potential does not exist and methods must be modified. In all problems having axial symmetry, as well as in other important cases, a quasipotential exists and the procedure is similar to that for a potential field. In still other cases, neither a potential nor a quasipotential exists and one must resort either to a vector potential or to the common photometric methods of calculation. In the foregoing paper, we have attempted to formulate the subject in an exact manner. Theorems have been stated regarding the conditions for the existence of a potential, a quasipotential, and a vector potential in the photic field. Methods of solution are outlined and boundary conditions are formulated. Finally, an example is worked out. Of particular importance are the new Theorems Nos. 7 and 9 on the quasipotential and Nos. 18 and 19 on boundary conditions. Theorem 16 lists the surface sources that produce irrotational fields, while Theorems 21, and 22 indicate general classes of surfaces for which a quasipotential exists. The practical limitation of photic field applications is primarily one of finding a coordinate system. If the luminous surface corresponds to one of the familiar coordinate surfaces (planes, circular cylinders, elliptic cylinders, hyperbolic cylinders, parabolic cylinders, oblate spheroids, paraboloids, etc.), there is ordinarily no difficulty in solving the photic problem with uniform sources. With other problems, difficulty may be encountered, just as in the corresponding electrostatic problem.
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