Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Thessaly, Pedion Areos,GR-38334 Volos, Greece(Received September 21, 1998)(Accepted in revised form September 9, 1999)Keywords: Aluminium; Hydrogen; Trapping statesIntroductionStress corrosion and corrosion fatigue represent major threats to the structural integrity of aircraftstructures and have been extensively investigated [1–3]. Among others, Pantelakis et al. [4] observeddramatic degradation of toughness and ductility of Al-Li alloys 2091 and 8090, as well as conventional2024 alloy in several types of accelerated corrosion tests. Based on a comparison of mechanicalproperties (in particular fracture energy density and fracture strain) of naturally and artificially corrodedspecimens, they chose the exfoliation accelerated corrosion test to simulate natural corrosion [5].The above behavior has been attributed by many investigators to hydrogen embrittlement. Hydrogen-produced during corrosion- has been accused of diffusing to the interior, leading to material embrittle-ment through hydrogen-metal interactions [6,7,8]. Despite the lack of a universally accepted hydrogenembrittlement mechanism, a generally recognized common feature is that some critical concentration ofhydrogen must build-up at potential crack sites, for failure to initiate. Thus, the distribution of hydrogeninside the metal and its pattern of migration are of paramount importance in understanding thephenomena and designing alloys with improved behavior.It has been shown [9,10] that lattice defects (vacancies, dislocations, grain boundaries) and precip-itates provide a variety of trapping sites for diffusing hydrogen. Hydrogen traps have mechanisticallybeen classified by Presouyre [11] as reversible and irreversible, depending on the steepness of theenergy barrier needed to be overcome by hydrogen to escape from the trap. For example, during adegassing experiment reversible traps will release hydrogen continuously, while irreversible ones willdo so only after a critical temperature has been reached. This is the temperature at which the probabilityof a single jump out of the steep trap becomes nonnegligible.Reversible and irreversible traps may play different roles during an actual experiment [12]. Inparticular, irreversible traps will always act as sinks for hydrogen, whereas reversible traps may act assinks or sources depending on initial hydrogen charging of the lattice. A uniform distribution ofirreversible traps is believed to provide a beneficial effect in alloy behavior under embrittlingconditions, by arresting diffusing hydrogen and thus delaying its build-up at the crack sites [13].
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