s / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 22 (2014) S57–S489 S369 Figure 2. (a) Plot of cartilage thickness and trabecular thickness, wherein each sample specific correlation yields an inverse relationship in sclerotic samples. Individual correlation coefficients are R 1⁄4 0.62, 0.87, 0.88, 0.85. 0.60, 0.77, respectively, (b) Plot of denuded surface and bone volume/total volume, indicating, for each sample, greater bone density in regions of lost cartilage coverage. Individual correlation coefficients are R 1⁄4 0.41, 0.84, 0.74, 0.38, 0.80, 0.41, respectively. The combined correlation coefficients for Cg.Th versus Tb.Th and %DS versus BV/TV, are 0.74 and 0.56, respectively. Conclusions: The results of this work show different relationships between cartilage and bone structures in end stage OA samples displaying bone sclerosis, than for samples with a more osteoporosis-like change. This suggests that identifying the structural cues involved with OA disease progression could allow for a more accurate diagnosis of disease. It must be stated, however, that more osteoporotic-like samples will need to be measured to confirm this result. Specifically, changes associated with sclerotic or osteoporotic-like bone change may require alternative physical therapy or drug regimes. Future work will focus on correlating these structural changes to specific genes and signalling pathways, as well as biomechanical loading and use patterns in the shoulder joint. 648 NKX3.2-BARX1 CROSSTALK IN CHONDROCYTE AND ITS ROLE IN OSTEOARTHRITIS PATHOGENESIS D-W. Kim. Yonsei Univ., Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent disease affecting majority of aged human, yet its effective treatment is currently absent. We have previously shown that Nkx3.2-mediated consitutive activation of NF-kB functions to maintain chondrocyte viability. Besides, Barx1 has been implicated for its role in development of gut, spleen and craniofacial skeletons, but its precise molecular function in chondrocyte has been poorly understood. Here we show that Barx1 can induce programmed cell death in chondrocyte by abrogating Nkx3.2-mediated NF-kB activation. Interestingly, we also observed remarkable decrease and increase in Nkx3.2 and Barx1 expression, respectively, both in mouse OA models and in human OA patients. Consistent with these, in vivo experiments employing intra-articular infection of Lentivirus modifying Nkx3.2 or Barx1 expression revealed that osteoarthritic cartilage destruction can be suppressed by Nkx3.2, whereas Barx1 aggravates it. Furthermore, importantly, we observed that either Nkx3.2 overexpression or Barx1 knockdown is capable of rendering regeneration of damaged cartilage in DMM-OA analyses in mice. Lastly, we demonstrate that OA progression is decelerated and accelerated in Nkx3.2 transgenic and knockout mice, respectively. Thus, these results indicate that Nkx3.2-Barx1 crosstalk plays a role in OA pathogenesis and may serve as promising therapeutic targets for OA modification. 649 INVESTIGATION ON THE ROLE OF DELTA/NOTCH LIKE EGF-RELATED RECEPTOR IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF OSTEOARTHRITIS L. Berninger y, A. Balkenhol y, C. Baier z, U. M€ uller-Ladner y, E. Neumann y, M. Geyer y. y Justus-Liebig-Univ. of Giessen, KerckhoffKlinik, Bad Nauheim, Germany; zUniv. of Regensburg, Regensburg,
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