Abstract The capture and recovery of an expensive satellite that has lost its attitude control function can be an important class of future missions for space robots. Moreover, there are tens of thousands of pieces of debris in orbit from previous missions. These orbiting debris such as the uncontrolled pieces of booster stages and obsolete satellites are a serious hazard to future orbiting spacecrafts. Thus, the use of robotic systems to capture and de-orbit uncontrolled materials from earth orbit has the potential to be another important future class of missions for space robots which should be technically similar to satellite capture. This paper describes on-orbit service system that utilizes multiple space robots for capturing and recovering valuable satellite system and for removing and changing the orbit to avoid collision from space debris. 1. Introduction Researchers have suggested that robots will be crucial components of future orbital missions [1]. While human astronauts are invaluable for their judgment and intelligence, transporting and maintaining them in space is expensive and potentially dangerous. Robotic systems, while having many limitations, offer important advantages to augment or in some cases replace astronauts in orbit. Robots have lower cost, require minimal support infrastructure, and have an indefinite work life in orbit. This paper outlines two potential orbital space missions suited to robots, and possibly teams of robots. These missions are the capture of an uncontrolled satellite and collection or deflection of space debris. The technologies required to perform these missions are currently under study as part of a joint MIT/NASDA research program. An important issue is to identify potential tasks within these missions that are most effectively done by robots.
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